The Science Fiction Review Movies,Updates Snowtrooper meet Luke Skywalker, time to die!

Snowtrooper meet Luke Skywalker, time to die!

The Empire Strikes Back snow trooper

Snowtrooper action figure

I had the opportunity to meet a couple “online” friends this past weekend. I’ve talked to these guys for several years through various online games, instant messaging, Ventrilo/TeamSpeak, and e-mail. Meeting them was a very interesting and enjoyable experience. BrainAlien, a guy I’ve known online since 1999, gave me a Snowtrooper action figure. He knows I’m a huge Star Wars fan, so I really appreciate it. If I ever find my Luke Skywalker in X-Wing suit, I’ll have to have a little battle to relive some childhood moments.

Thanks BrainAlien!

1 thought on “Snowtrooper meet Luke Skywalker, time to die!”

  1. No problem man. It was nice meeting you too, and I figured the snow trooper would bring more pleasure to the world in your possession than sitting in a box in my garage.

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