Testing new host

Please bear with me as I’m working on doing some final touches on a move to a new web host.


Well, it looks like everything is up and operational!

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Snowtrooper meet Luke Skywalker, time to die!Snowtrooper meet Luke Skywalker, time to die!

The Empire Strikes Back snow trooper

Snowtrooper action figure

I had the opportunity to meet a couple “online” friends this past weekend. I’ve talked to these guys for several years through various online games, instant messaging, Ventrilo/TeamSpeak, and e-mail. Meeting them was a very interesting and enjoyable experience. BrainAlien, a guy I’ve known online since 1999, gave me a Snowtrooper action figure. He knows I’m a huge Star Wars fan, so I really appreciate it. If I ever find my Luke Skywalker in X-Wing suit, I’ll have to have a little battle to relive some childhood moments.

Thanks BrainAlien!

Back from vacationBack from vacation

I had so much going on the past month!

  • Family came to visit from May 1st to May 10th for my college graduation
  • I relocated to a new city for a new job May 17th
  • Went to a wedding in Minnesota on May 24th
  • I start my new job tomorrow, June 2nd

I’m really not sure how much free time I will have with this new job, but I will try to keep updating with interesting posts once a week. Also, I’ll do my best to stick with a book review every 2-3 weeks or so. Here is my list of upcoming books I hope to review soon:

  1. Neuromancer by William Gibson
  2. Tau Zero by Poul Anderson
  3. Manta’s Gift by Timothy Zahn

I’ve also decided I’m going to go back and review short stories in Asimov’s Robot and Foundation Universe in the order of Johnny Pez’s Insanely Complete Fiction List that I have hosted here. I’m not sure when exactly I’ll start that project, but most likely I’ll post entries here and there as I complete them.

Site launchSite launch

I started purchasing books for my Robot and Foundation timeline reading project back in April of 2005. I realized that reading 36 books would probably make a very good start for a Sci-Fi review website. After completing most of my collections I started reading and compiling my reviews. Finally, on April 25, 2006 I registered this domain and started posting my reviews for everyone to see.