The Science Fiction Review TV What The Frack Starbuck? Are you FRAKKING kidding me!? – The Battlestar Galactica Series Finale

What The Frack Starbuck? Are you FRAKKING kidding me!? – The Battlestar Galactica Series Finale

First, let me say that Battlestar Galactica is by far my favorite Sci-Fi TV series of all time. I was addicted from the beginning of the 2003 miniseries and followed it up until the series finale this week. I liked it so much that prior to season 4.5, I re-watched all of the previous seasons so I would have them all fresh in my mind. In doing so, I managed to get my wife addicted as well and took her along for the ride.  I highly recommend everyone watch the entire series.

Let me start off with a huge ***SPOILER ALERT***

continue past the break for my rant 🙂

Going into the series finale, I had no idea how they were going to tie up all of the loose ends in just 2 hours. I really hoped that they could, but I was left a bit disappointed in the end because even more questions came out.

What the heck is Starbuck? Not a Cylon, but an angel like the shared vision of Caprica Six and Baltar? Why did Brother Cavil shoot himself? Where is Admiral Adama going to stash his Raptor? Did nobody stash away one small piece of technology to make their life on Earth v2.0 any easier? Where will the Centurions go with their basestar? What about all of the other rebel Cylons 1,000,000 light years away?

I’m a bit annoyed because I think that the producers wanted to leave everyone with a burning need for more information. I shook my fist at the TV when I saw the advertisement for “The Plan” which will cover the events prior to the destruction of the Colonies from the viewpoint of the Cylons. Also, there is the new series “Caprica” which will be straight to DVD and digital download on April 21st.  I’ll watch them both, because I’m hopelessly addicted. I just hope the BSG franchise doesn’t get beaten to death like Stargate, which looks like is getting yet another spinoff.

I’m sure that there will be lots of discussion going on in the coming months.

So, I’m interested in hearing other people’s thoughts on the finale. What did you like or not like? What do you think Starbuck is? Are you going to watch the new series?

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