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Old/Retired XF Member page

Sokha Sunimod Name: Dominius & Sokha
  • Current Professions: Master Doctor/Master Swordsman; Jedi Knight
  • Approx Playing hours: Inactive
  • Interesterd in PVE?: Yes
  • Interested in PVP?: Very
  • Services Provided: Doctor Buffs
  • I started playing SWG late Beta2, all through Beta3 and since day one of Launch. Since then I have mastered all but 2 proffessions Image Designer and Bounty Hunter; collected over 100 badges. Through it all I have been a loyal and active Rebel hunting down imperial players everyday I am online.

Stettin Palver Name: Stettin Palver
  • Current Professions: Munitions Trader (Master Weaponsmith)
  • Approx Playing hours: Inactive
  • Interested in PvE?: YES
  • Interested in PVP?: YES
  • Services Provided: I ran X-Force Weapons south of Coronet.
  • I have played SWG since launch and had played in Beta3 until December 2005. I saw from playing in the beta that Weaponsmith was one of the best professions for making money, so I went for it from day one. When I left the game in December 2005 I was the oldest operation Weaponsmith on the Chilastra server. I spend most of my time working or attending college. I also am working on my new website The Science Fiction Review.

Enaw Borrack Name: Enaw Borrack
  • Current Professions: Master Bounty Hunter, Pistoleer, Some Carbines
  • Approx Playing Hours: 5pm-2am Eastern almost every day, usally afk in and out until about 10pm.
  • Interested in PvE?: Yes
  • Interested in PvP?: Yes
  • Services Provided: My alt Tyke is a Master Architect, Master Artisan. Main profession is Bounty Hunter so if there are any jedi you got a problem with let me know (85 kills and counting). I attend NC State University, enjoy all sports. I've been playing SWG since October 2004. Mostly all I ever do is PvP, partially retired from Bounty Hunting, so if you're ever looking for a group send me tell.

Otrossk Name: Otrossk
  • Professions: Mostly Jedi
  • Approx Playing hours: Inactive
  • Interested in PvE?: Yes
  • Interested in PvP?: Yes
  • Services Provided: I'm willing to lend a hand when needed, and occassionally I organize some guild events for us to participate in.
  • I've been playing SWG since day one and have been an active guild member since I joined XF. One of the few owners of 100+ badges and a proud member of the Rebellion, and no I won't enslave the Wookiees on Kashyyyk.

Name: Layurame Ayumase / Layurame's Ayumase
  • Professions: Master Artisan, Master De, Master Merchant, 4000 architect, Politician/ Master Swordman, Master Pikeman, Master Brawler, 4000 tk, 0040 medic
  • Approx Playing Hours: 8-11pm EST Tues,Thurs,Friday, Sunday (ex 6pm-10pm m-f central)
  • Interested in PvE?: Yes
  • Interested in PvP?: very little i am no good at it but am working on getting better
  • Services provided: Droids, Master artisan items (vehciles), Furniture for decoration. all items are provided to guild at a 50% discount of posted prices. (please email if i don't refund difference in a timely manner)
  • I'm a 34 year old father of 2, so i don't always get the time online I would like, but when i am on, I enjoy chatting and hunting with other guild members. I joined XF during thanksgiving weekend 2004. I first talked to Stettin who then introduced me to Dominius. When we created a city i opted to help the guild by getting a second account that could be used as mayor/politician withought having to ruin the template they currently enjoyed. With the changes to no sp needed for politician i decided to use that account to strive toward my goal of one day being an ithorian jedi :O. Thus poor Emaruyal passed away. R.I.P.

Name: Corben
  • Current Professions: Rifleman/Fencer/Pistoleer dabbler
  • Approx Playing hours: 5:00pm - 12am Eastern
  • Interesterd in PVE?: Yes
  • Interested in PVP?: Yes
  • Services Provided: Buffs, Counseling, hangout partner
  • Playing since day one, I miss raiding Bestine like old days:cry:, been through some internal rebellions but always loyal to the General and friends /salute

Name: Ancahas, Nick
  • Current Profession: master swordsman, tk, and marksman, with a little bit of scout
  • Approximate playing hours:as much as i freaking can (i know its sad but its true) but ususally i play from 11pm-6am Sunday nights, 12pm-6am Mon., 11pm-6am, wed. 10am-6am, 12am-6am thurs.-fri.,5pm-6am sat.
  • Interested in PvE?: Yes
  • Interested in PvP?: Yes
  • Services Provided: i am always willing to help someone out even if it means i will die so they can survive.
  • I have been playing for about 9 months but only have about 7 months logged in the game. i am going to the International Academy of Design and Technology to become a computer graphics artist Very Happy. i married Arigli Very Happy love ya hun (best decision i have made in this game), thanks for bringing us together cheese! i am always up for PvP-PvE just let me know. if you ever need another brawler in hunting just let me know too, i love the geo caves and krayt hunting

Name: Wylee Coalbrand/Genevive
  • Current Proffesions: MSwordsman/MPikeman/Medic;MWepsmith/MMerchant
  • Approximate playing hours: 6:30-11:00ish Mon-Thurs,Fri.6:30pm-???, Sat.N.Sun All day
  • Interested in PvE: Always
  • Interested in PvP: Rarely
  • Services Provided: I can make weapons for guildies(but only if they are desperately needed......well duh! i cant compete with Stettin! :)
  • Brief Description of Myself: I love SWG. Have no respect for the devs what-so-ever! Am a Nerd(xbox,Ps2, and Computer games are my only real pasttime.) XF is my only social interaction lol. Am a 23yr. old Christian mechanic who lives in Omaha NE. And Gubburs are my favorite animal IRL and RL. Also i have run from them when they agro cause i dont want to kill "the poor little dickens"(Ed)

Name : R'hys Dallows
  • Current Professions: Master Marksman, Master Pistoleer, Master Bounty Hunter
  • Approx Playing hours: 6pm GMT
  • Interested in PvE?: Yes
  • Interested in PvP?: No
  • Services Provided: BH Harassment
  • I enjoy playing SWG, love killing Stormtroopers in Coronet Cantina, nothing like a good bar brawl and enjoy stalking the odd occasional Jedi

Name: Flyr Sei'lar
  • Jedi
  • Approx Playing hours: 9am-11pm throughout the summer and 4pm-10pm during school Mountain time
  • Interesterd in PVE?: Only when grinding
  • Interested in PVP?: Oh Yeah!!
  • Services Provided: trying to get my alt to chef but it might take a while.
  • Been playing since Oct 03', I love PvP, ever need a group send me a tell WeWt.

Name: Brasse-Couillon
  • Professions: Master Brawler, Pikeman, Tera Kasi with sword 0024
  • Approx Playing Hours: Playing alot but on irregular basis (day,evening,night)
  • Interested in PvE?: Yes
  • Interested in PvP?: Yes
  • Services provided: Armorsmith and food provided by my other character nammed Cheerios - just ask if anything needed - im here to help and willing to cut prices for guild people.
  • Im a 28 years old, working mostly into health care. Im also a part-time musician always willing to jam. Btw I may sometimes be slow to answer because i dont speak english at home and my english is missing alot of word. Im a dictionary addicts, interested in working out my english and my pvp.

Name: JeZhuS Sniper
  • Professions: Master Bounty Hunter / Master Carbineer / Scout 4000 / Pistol 0003 / Master Marksman
  • Approx Playing Hours: Playing Time Changes. When Ever Woman Aint Watching Me =o
  • Interested in PvE? *Sure*
  • Interested in PvP? *Sure*
  • Services provided: My Help, Always Free When Ever I Am Online =o
  • "A Mystery Wrapped In A Enigma"

Name: Nikons Fist
  • Professions: Jedi
  • Approx Playing Hours: 10 = 12 hrs aday "no job"
  • Interested in PvE? Group Hunts "Krayts / Ackly / Gorax / Necro" and Exp groups
  • Interested in PvP? all DA time
  • Services provided: (Weapons, Armor, Droids, etc.. & is there a guild discount? If so, how to redeem?)
  • Fun going guy. if i aint in a bad mood, if the fiancee leaves me alone and lets me play the game with out buggen me to get off, im alrite.